Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Daun Keji Beling (Strobilanthes Crispus L. Blume) terhadap Histologi dan Faal Ginjal Tikus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus L) yang Diinduksi Natrium Benzoat (C6H5COOH)
The Effect of Administration of Keji Beling (Strobilanthes Crispus L. Blume) Leaves Ethanol Extract on the Histology and Kidney Physical of White Rats (Rattus Norvegicus L) Induced Sodium Benzoate (C6H5COOH)
Consuming sodium benzoate can cause health problems. The effect is to damage blood cells, hyperactivity, and damage the kidneys. To prevent this, antioxidants are needed. These antioxidants are obtained from herbal plants, namely keji shard leaves (Strobilanthes crispa L Blume). This study aims to determine the effect of ethanol extract of keji beling leaves on urea levels, creatinine and histological damage to the kidneys of white rats (Rattus novergicus) given sodium benzoate. This study used a completely randomized design with 5 treatment groups with 4 repetitions. KN was given feed, KP was given sodium benzoate 400mg/kg BW, groups P1, P2, P3 were each given sodium benzoate 400 mg/kg BW and keji beling leaf extract 300, 400, 500mg/kg BW. The results showed that administration of sodium benzoate had the effect of increasing urea and creatinine levels and renal histology damage (nuclear necrosis, tubular degeneration, proximal tubular dilatation). The conclusion is that administering ethanol extract of keji beling leaves at a dose of 500 mg/kg BW can reduce urea and creatinine levels and reduce histological damage to the kidneys (nuclear necrosis, tubular degeneration, proximal tubular dilatation).
Keywords: sodium benzoate, urea, creatinine, kidney
Mengkonsumsi natrium benzoat bisa menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan. Efeknya merusak sel darah, hiperaktif, serta merusak ginjal. Untuk mencegahnya diperlukan antioksidan. Antioksidan tersebut didapat dari tumbuhan herbal yaitu daun keji beling (Strobilanthes crispa L Blume). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak etanol daun keji beling terhadap kadar ureum, kreatinin dan kerusakan histologi ginjal tikus putih (Rattus novergicus) yang diberi natrium benzoat. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap 5 kelompok perlakuan dengan 4 pengulangan. KN diberi pakan, KP diberi natrium benzoat 400mg/kg BB, kelompok P1, P2, P3 masing-masing diberi natrium benzoat 400 mg/kg BB dan ekstrak daun keji beling 300, 400, 500mg/kg BB. Hasil menunjukkan pemberian natrium benzoat berpengaruh menaikkan kadar ureum, kreatinin dan kerusakan histologi ginjal (nekrosis inti, degenerasi tubulus, dilatasi tubulus proksimal). Kesimpulannya adalah pemberian ekstrak etanol daun keji beling dosis 500 mg/kg BB bisa menurunkan kadar ureum, kreatinin dan mengurangi kerusakan histologi ginjal (nekrosis inti, degenerasi tubulus, dilatasi tubulus proksimal).
Kata Kunci: natrium benzoat, ureum, kreatinin, ginjal
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